Monday, September 23, 2013

Apocalyptic Empire: Eradication Release Date

It's official. I am going to give a release date! Well more of a release guideline! It's going to be this weekend!

It has taken a little bit longer to finish book two, because we wanted to do it right. Apocalyptic Empire: The Hatchery Compound was released way to prematurely on my part. It was riddled with grammar issues and all sorts of goodies. Thankfully I met Abigail my editor and she has helped get me in line.

This time around I made sure we did things right and we have gone over the book page by page multiple times.

Besides the editing, the story itself should be much better and much more exciting. I incorporated a lot of positive and negative feedback when writing Eradication, and I really feel like it will be more enjoyable for everyone.

The final page count will be about 350 pages, so it's adding quite a bit of extra story to the Apocalyptic Empire series. I felt like The Hatchery Compound was a little thin the first time around, so I wanted to make sure I captured all of the story this time.

I am letting everyone know ahead of time because I plan on having it uploaded and out there this weekend. It depends on how quickly Createspace, Smashwords, Google Play, and Amazon does their things though. Either way, I will have it uploaded by the end of the week, and in your hands physically or digitally this weekend.

I plan on having a couple Goodreads Giveaways next week and also a really sweet raffle as well. I will get them all planned out and online this weekend and provide another post for the details. Check back in next week for those.

I hope you all enjoy reading Eradication, and I can't wait to see what happens!

I am working on book three still as well, so plan on that being out sometime in the first part of next year.

Thanks for checking in. I will update as soon as it is online for purchase!

Stay safe out there,

Chris Blake

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