Monday, January 6, 2014

Tomorrow's Episode of Prepper Chicks!

Tomorrow's episode of Prepper Chicks - After Dark will feature JD from Conflicted, Lori from PrepperChicks, and Alika from SHTF Ready like always! We also have FOUR guests this week.

First up is Julie, Ginger and Joseph from Conflicted: What Would You Do Scenarios. They are a group that takes a page right out of JD's book! Check them out on Facebook for more scenarios that make you think.

Next up, is Sharon from Trailer Park Homesteader. Her family is all about preparing for a real deal SHTF scenario. Not viral apocalypse like we are, but more down to earth stuff like storms, financial disasters, illnesses, etc. Check them out on Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, or their Podcast as well.

We are excited to have all these new guests on our show to try out our new scenarios. We will be branching out from our normal routine and trying something new by taking only a couple scenarios and digesting them and breaking them down. We will try and come up with potential ways to avoid the scenarios and also how to get out of them or deal with them.

It should be a good show tomorrow evening so tune in and check it out at 11PM ET on Tuesday January 7th over at Prepper Chicks - After Dark!

Stay safe out there,

Chris Blake