Friday, July 26, 2013

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Let's talk weaponry and survival gear. I think it is absolutely essential for everyone to have a setup in place just incase things get a little...undead... I want to talk about some of the weapons I have around our house, and would love some feedback from you guys! Later on I will check out some other gear and see where that goes.

First things first, I don't know how you feel about guns, but I think they are definitely a must for every home. With the state of affairs our world is in right now, I think everyone should be able to defend themselves and not rely on the government and local authorities to protect us. That being said, here's just a few of my favorites.

My daily carry handgun is a Taurus 24/7 G2 .45ACP Compact. It comes with a 10 round magazine and a 12 round magazine. I usually carry the 10 round magazine because it is easier to conceal. People will go back and forth all day about caliber sizes, but in the end my choice is a .45ACP hollow point. It's got to be the go to defense round for dangers of all kind, even the undead kind...

My secondary handgun is a Taurus 24/7 G2 9mm. It comes with two 17 round magazines. I have a tactical light as well. I think when it comes to protecting yourself against the undead horde having more ammunition probably counts for more than caliber size.

Lastly, I have a little Ruger LCP .380. People always discount the 6 rounds of .380, but it's a sweet little gun that you can hide just about anywhere.

All of these guns make their debut in my novel Apocalyptic Empire: The Hatchery Compound, and they definitely get used. Of course in the book, Vintago goes to the gun store while the Outbreak is unfolding. He spends quite a bit of money on some other awesome firearms.

One gun that I do not have, but definitely would buy is an AK-74. The AK-74 is the same form factor and ruggedness of an AK-47, but fires a smaller faster bullet, much like an AR-15. These guns are like mixing the reliability and robustness of an AK platform with the accuracy of an AR platform. The only downfall to a weapon like this would be ammunition shortages in the zombie apocalypse. It fires a 5.45x39mm round which will definitely be hard to come by when it hits the fan. That being said though, they are a solid gun I believe.

Well I think that's enough gun talk for one post. Let me know what kind of firearms you use, prefer, or carry. Next time I will talk about something else. Leave me a comment if you have any useful topics you would like more info on, or would like to discuss.

Thanks for reading!

Chris Blake

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