I got to thinking today as I was typing on my MacBook and simultaneously checking my iPhone; What would I do without those devices!
Lots of people write about zombies and apocalyptic events, and usually it's all about guns, food, and water, but what about electronics! Don't get me wrong it's not like there would be a charging station on ever corner, but some people would have power right? The Hatchery Compound has a generator running all the time, so why stop using your iPads, MacBooks, and what not just because the world as we know it has come to an end!
I for one would be jamming to tunes on my iPod, apocalypse or not. There's no reason why you can't listen to music stored on a device while you are driving your favorite zombie wagon.
I think that electronics get overlooked in most apocalyptic fiction, and we need to get it back! It's time to dial in a solar charger, generator, or car charger and get those devices back. If anything, wouldn't you just feel better listening to your favorite band while you're shooting at zombies? I know I would...
Anyway, enough of that, here are some items to help out our feeble electronics!
Check out this Instapark 10 watt solar panel. It can charge just about any portable electronic device, pending there isn't to much cloud coverage. If you live in a cloudy zombie apocalypse, then you're just SOL.
Now this thing is the absolutely awesome Ambient Weather WR-334-U. It's an emergency radio, solar charged, battery powered, and even hand crankable! Plus it has all kinds of stuff like flashlights, sirens, you name it. Oh and it charges your electronics! It looks like it would be a very good tool to have on hand for any survival situation, zombies or not.
Lastly, just incase you give up on your electronics and want to read a book in the gloomy darkness that is your post-apocalypse life, here's a Zombie Response Team Zippo.
Hopefully you have a plan in place for your electronics when the world comes to an end, I know I do. Let me know what kind of devices you would cherish, even without power.
Stay safe out there, watch your back.
Chris Blake
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